Se olvidan de las mochilas, estuches y libretas y echan a correr para poder coger el mejor columpio, mientras los padres, detrás, cargan con los olvidos de sus pequeños.
En la entrada del parque un hombre vestido de payaso y rodeado de montones de globos de colores. Motivo de alegrías para unos, de inseguridades para otros, pero conocido por todos.
Un hombre que espera todos los días la llegada de los niños con gran expectación, que se nutre de sus sonrisas y comparte sus risas como si fuera uno más. Un hombre al que la vida no ha proporcionado demasiada fortuna, que gasta el poco dinero que posee en trozos de plástico con los que hace sencillas figuras para entretener a los pequeños, a sus pequeños, como él los llama.
Un hombre que, a pesar de la sencillez de su vida es feliz, que a pesar de tener poco intenta dar mucho, que a pesar de no tener por qué sonreír busca motivos para hacerlo y, de paso, compartirlo con los demás.
Porque la felicidad no consiste en desear cosas, sino en ser libre. Porque a veces uno se siente mejor al dar que al recibir.
A sunny autumn afternoon, but even so cold. It's Friday and all the kids have just left class, tired of working all week. With his usual screaming and small little voices asking to go to the park to enjoy what remains of afternoon. A few are lucky and are moving towards the slides while others have to drop a tear to fulfill their prayers.
They forget the backpacks, cases, notebooks and they run to get the best swing, while their parents, behind, charge with the forgetfulness of their childs.
At the park entrance a man dressed as a clown and surrounded by lots of balloons. Reason of joy for some, for others insecurities, but known by all.
A man whowaits every day the chidrens' arrival with great expectation, nourished by their smiles and share their laughs like one more. A man whose life has not provided much luck, who spends the little money he has on pieces of plastic with which makes simple shapes to entertain the little ones, their children, as he calls them.
A man who, despite the simplicity of his life is happy, despite having very little attempts to give much, that despite not having to smile looks for reasons to do so and, in turn, share it with others.
Because happiness is not to want things, but rather to be free .Because sometimes one feels better when gives than to receives.