Deslizó los pies bajo las sábanas y los puso sobre la alfombra. Un torbellino de colonia entró en su habitación y le dio un atropellado beso en la mejilla, "buenos días princesa" se oyó en un susurro cuando el torbellino empezaba a disiparse. Era irónico,no eran buenos días en absoluto, pero a pesar de ello soltó una dulce carcajada.
Cold, wind, rain and the clothes she wanted to wear were still wet on the radiator. Could it be something worse? She checked the time on the alarm clock beside her bed, it seemed like he was making fun of her and had advanced the time by the way, she was late.
She slipped her feet under the covers and put them on the carpet. A whirlwind of cologne came into her room and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, "good morning pricess" came in a whisper when the whirlwind began to dissapear. It was ironic, it wasn't a good morning at all, but nevertheless gave a sweet laugh.
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