El pasillo estaba abarrotado de gente; fuera llovía, por lo que todo el mundo andaba sin sentido de un lado para otro del colegio o se sentaban en la primera esquina que veían libre para poder hablar con más calma.
Unas gotitas cayeron sobre sus apuntes, y los números y las letras desaparecieron de su vista, todo se transformó en una fría y reconfortante oscuridad. Abrió los ojos, pero sólo unos minúsculos rayos de luz se colaban entre los dedos que la habían atrapado. Le susurró al oído algo que no llegó a comprender, pero le daba igual, cerró los ojos de nuevo y dejo vagar su mente, libre y sin agobios aunque sólo fuese por unos minutos.
Las manos se retiraron pero sus ojos seguían cerrados, notaba que seguía allí, podía notarlo todo sin la necesidad de verlo. Se oía el abrir y cerrar de las mochilas, una moneda que se caía al suelo y un pie que la pisaba para reivindicar su propiedad. Su mente empezaba a aclararse y los números y las letras ya no se chocaban, cada una tenía su lugar cerca del igual, todo tenía su solución.
Aún con los ojos cerrados, recogió los apuntes y los metió en el bolso. Abrió los ojos y vio una mano tendida frente a ella justo en el momento en el que sonaba el timbre. La cogió con fuerza, con confianza y se dirigió al aula de matemáticas donde los números y letras de su cabeza esperaban impacientes un lugar en el papel.
The math notes were driving her crazy , numbers and letters crisscrossed and crashed in his mind without direction or meaning. Her exam was in just forty-five minutes and the nerves were eating inside. She was sitting on a bench in the hall with her notebook in front reciting the algebraic formulas as a song to get memorize.
The hall was crowded, it was raining outside, so everyone was walking senseless side to side the school or they sat on the first corner that was free to speak more calmly.
A few drops fell on his notes, numbers and letters went out of sight, everything turned into a cold and comfortable darkness. She opened her eyes, but just tiny rays of light sneaked between the fingers that had trapped her. Whispered in his ear something she did not understand, but she did not care, she closed her eyes again and let her mind wander, freely and without stress if only for a few minutes.
The hands were removed but her eyes were still closed, she noticed it was still there, she could feel it all without the need to see it. Could hear the blink of backpacks, a currency that was falling down and a foot stepped on it to claim their property. Her mind began clearly and the numbers and letters no longer crashed, each had its place near the equal, everything had its solution.
Still with her eyes closed, she picked up the notes and put them in the bag. She opened her eyes and saw a hand stretched out in front of her right in the moment when the bell rang. He took strongly, confident and went to the maths classroom where the numbers and letters of her head were waiting impatiently a place in the paper.
ooo es precioso :')
ResponderEliminarme encanta :)
ResponderEliminareii, esta genial, y hay un detalle que me encanta de tu blog, que subas las entradas tanto en ingles como en español. es muy original. felicidades!
ResponderEliminarWho was the person who cover her eyes?