Ya no piensa, sólo actúa, sus pies son independientes del resto de su cuerpo y, sin darse cuenta, se ve sentada en la puerta de un supermercado que ya tiene la persiana a medio bajar. La angustia vuelve a aflorar en su interior pero ya no llora, tiene los ojos irritados y secos de tanto llorar y las lágrimas ya no brotan de ellos.
La noche empieza a caer sobre la ciudad y las farolas son la única fuente de luz. La mujer sigue sentada, no nota las manos debido al frío y su mirada está perdida entre las tinieblas.
Nota un pequeño toque en la espalda, una llamada, pero la ignora. La llamada se repite pero esta vez seguida de un abrazo. Un abrazo fuerte a pesar de lo pequeños que son los brazos que lo proporcionan. Ella reacciona al abrazo, se da la vuelta con rapidez y lo ve. Su pequeño, al que buscaba desesperadamente, al que daba por perdido y por el que tantas lágrimas ha llorado.
Lo coge en brazos con gran esfuerzo y le abraza, le abraza para no soltarle nunca. Porque el amor de una madre es la fuerza más potente del universo.
A woman cries along the streets of Venice the lost of her son. looks without looking, and does not see beyond the tips of her shoes. The desperation is starting to take her over slowly. She's been three times in the same corner, has traveled all around, even asked some ladies playing cards in a street cafe.
She does not think, just act, her feet are independent from the rest of her body and, inadvertently, she's sitting at the door of a supermarket that already has the shutter half down. Anxiety resurfaces inside her but no longer crying, her eyes are irritated and dry and tears no longer flow from them.
The night begins to fall on the city and street lamps are the only source of light. The woman is still sitting, she doesn't notice her hands due to cold and her gaze is lost in the darkness.
Then, she notes a little touch on the back, a call, but she ignored it. The call is repeated but this time followed by a hug. A strong hug despite how small arms are providing it. She reacts to the hug, turns around quickly and sees him. Her baby to which was desperately looking for, which was taken for lost and by which has cried so many tears.
She picks him up with a great effort and hugs him, hugs him not to ever let go. Because the love of a mom is the strongest force in the universe.
madremia *--* es precioso :')
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Is so cute