Su forma de caminar parecía un pequeño baile al ir sorteando los charcos que se iba encontrando por el camino. Derecha, derecha, salto, izquierda, derecha otra vez.
Mientras continuaba su imperceptible danza por la acera unos pies se toparon con los suyos impidiéndole pasar, si se movía a la derecha se los encontraba, pero a la izquierda también. Levantó la cabeza y se encontró con unos grandes ojos azules que lo miraban divertidamente.
Una melena oscura caía sobre sus hombros, completamente empapada por la lluvia. Se fijó en que el único abrigo que llevaba era una fina chaqueta, que ni capucha tenía, y las gotas le resbalaban desde la frente a la punta de la nariz.
Se apartó un mechón de pelo que tenía pegado a la mejilla y sonrió. Una gran sonrisa llena de complicidad.
-¿Derecha o izquierda?-preguntó
-Elige tu -murmuró cordialmente
-Pues derecha-respondió, moviéndose ligeramente en esa dirección
-Hasta luego
-Encantada de haberme tropezado contigo, dijo con una armoniosa risa
El chico se quedó unos minutos bajo la lluvia, sorprendido. Se quitó la capucha lentamente y dejó que la lluvia le mojase la cara. Una frase apareció en su mente, los seres humanos somos una raza miedosa, nos gusta el sol pero nos refugiamos de él en la sombra; apreciamos la lluvia, sin embargo utilizamos los paraguas cuando llueve. Así, mojándose, llegó hasta el portal de su casa, la expresión de su cara había cambiado, ahora la sonrisa de la chica también formaba parte de su semblante.
The sunny day had turned into an agonizing storm. Rain, wind, cold and all types of weather whipped against his body, soaking and permeating to the bone. He buried even more his hands in his pockets and ducked his head to shield his eyes.
His gait seemed a little dance to go dodging puddles that was finding along the way. Right, right, jump, left, right again.
As he continued his imperceptible dance on the sidewalk a feet came across preventing him his own pass, if he moved to the right they were found, but left too. He lifted his head and met big blue eyes staring at him playfully.
A dark hair fell over her shoulders, completely soaked by the rain. He noticed that the only coat he wore was a thin jacket, hood had neither, and drops slipped from her forehead up to the tip of her nose.
She brushed a strand of hair that had stuck to her cheek and smiled. A big smile full of complicity.
-Right or left?-she asked
-Choose you-murmured warmly
-Right-then-she said, moving slightly in that direction
-Good bye
-Nice to stumbled with you-said with a harmoniously laugh
The boy stood a few minutes in the rain, surprised. He removed the hood slowly and let the rain get wet face. A phrase appeared in his mind, humans are a race scared, we love the sun but we took refuge in the shade; we appreciate the rain, however we use the umbrella when it rains. So, getting wet, arrived to the door of his house, the look on his face had changed, now the smile of the girl was also part of his face.